Falklands: Dave Morgan back as Acting Governor
The Falkland Islands Acting Governor Dave Morgan is back in Stanley following a brief (boreal summer) holiday and has retaken his appointment. This means that Adam Pile OBE, Deputy Director Overseas Territories (FCDO) who replaced Dave in his absence will be returning to London.
In a message to the local community the Deputy Director of the Overseas Territories thanked the locals for making him feel so welcome.
“In my brief time as Acting Governor I’ve chaired Executive Conucil, assented to laws, presided over ceremonies & more. But the very best part was spending time with the wonderful, kind & dynamic community in the Falklands. Thanks for making me feel so welcome”, pointed out Adam Pile.
Adam Pile was sworn in as the Acting Governor of the Falkland Islands and Acting Commissioner of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands on Tuesday July 30.